Philosophy of the College of Nursing
We Believe that
- Nursing is an integral part of the health care delivery system and works collaboratively with other allied professions for the prevention of disease, the promotion, restoration and maintenance of optimum health for individuals and families in hospital and community setting.
- The basic course in nursing is a formal educational preparation which should be based on sound educational principles as the foundation on which the practice of nursing is built and on which further education depends
- The appropriate behavioural changes take place in students,, in order to felicitate their developrrtnt, which will assist. them to live personally satisfying and socially useful lives.
- Nursing programme provides 'opportunity for the development of specialized knowledge, skill and desirable attitudes relevant to nursing and basic to the professional duties to be performed.
- The Professional nurse contributes to nursing research, work towards the continued improvement and growth of nursing profession so as to bridge the gap between theory and practice.